Despair Is Not An Option
New Dimensions is committed now, more than ever, to bring deep dialogues for these most challenging times. In the ‘70s we thought the changing of an age would be easy. We were wrong. It is chaotic and full of surprises and we have learned that despair is not an option.…
Moving From “Datastan” to “The Republic of Story”
A former guest, Arlene Goldbard, talked about how we are moving from a culture of “Datastan,” where everything is quantified and the population is confined to the role of consumer, to “The Republic of Story” in which, as she puts it, “[E]very story matters to the common good.” New Dimensions…
Support Conscious Media
In May you’ll be hearing from Sarah van Gelder, Co-founder and Editor-at-Large of Yes! Magazine and author of The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000-Mile Journey Through a New America. She says this about her experience of New Dimensions: “I am thrilled to be on New Dimensions Radio.…
New Dimensions Provides a Context that Goes Beneath the “News”
“When I think of public information, I think that news broadcasts are not enough. There has to be an addition to what we do, and that is: why we do it. Why we do it is the province of New Dimensions. You simply can’t be thinking about what you do…
Unheard Stories Are Brought To Light
As you know, New Dimensions programming helps us to recall the importance of wonder and awe in our lives. It rekindles a sense of possibility, sacredness, and purpose to support our endeavors as it advances the worldview that recognizes our essential interconnectedness. It celebrates our different perspectives and traditions and…
Tuning In With Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. has been a frequent guest on New Dimensions. She shares with us how the Greek myths give our lives new meaning and purpose. She has this to say of her experience both as a listener and guest on New Dimensions. “When I tune into New Dimensions,…
News with Love, Integrity, Honesty, and Depth
In February, you’ll be hearing from Larry Brilliant, M.D. He had this to say about his experience of New Dimensions. “These are troubled times. Where we get our news is really important. That news has got to come with love, and integrity, and honesty, and depth. That’s what New Dimensions…
We Need an Upgrade in Consciousness
“Never before on the planet has our future been so uncertain. Humanity is actually living in a state of consciousness that is desperately requiring an upgrade. So the most important conversation we could possibly be involved in together today is how can we evolve from what we’ve accepted as normal…
No Kidding – We Truly Need Your Help
We have slimmed down considerably, reducing overhead to a minimum so that our resources can go straight to providing programming that prioritizes love, curiosity, creativity, and connection over fear, apathy, inertia, and separation, in fields that explore the social, political, scientific, environmental, and spiritual frontiers with some of today’s foremost social innovators,…
How Can We Best Serve?
As one of our devoted and enthusiastic listeners, please know that we urgently need more support. The simple fact is that listener support MUST continue to flow in – so we can keep these deep and inspiring dialogues flowing out. With your support, we can continue to do so. LISTENER SUPPORT IS OUR LARGEST SOURCE OF…