The Difference Between Elderhood and Growing Older with Diana Percy
Percy suggests that rather than resigning ourselves to growing old we can choose to become an elder. This can be a time when we can make great contributions to our community. This deep dialogue explores what it means to be to be proactive in approaching aging and becoming an elder…
Two Faces of Fear: Constructive/Destructive with Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D.
We’re all familiar with the aspect of fear that strangles us, holds us back, and keeps us living lives filled with stress, unhappiness, and emptiness. This kind of fear creates chronic anxiety, depression, and disconnection. However, Manly shares a hidden aspect of this same fear that affords us the opportunity…
Mindfulness in the Marketplace with Marc Lesser
Mindfulness is both profound and potent. Marc Lesser suggests that it is not about holding the busy world at bay, it’s to cultivate a more alive, responsive, effective and warm-hearted way of being within the world as it already exists and within a life you already live. This deep dialogue…
Transforming Suffering into the Light Of Our True Nature with Lama Palden Drolma
Even though we ultimately desire to be happy, most of us find ourselves taking in sorrow, pain and tragedy through everything we see, hear and feel both in our own experience and through the media. It’s like we are breathing in suffering and this suffering, both our own and that…
Being Claimed by a Myth with Martin Shaw, Ph.D.
Folktales, fairytales, and myths are the way our ancestors tried to tell truth and actually have the earth speaking through them. Shaw says that they are more than just human intelligence at play. Here he takes us on a deep dive into the importance of inviting story into our lives,…
Watering The Seeds Of Mindfulness with Zachiah Murray
Zachiah Murray tells us that mindfulness is an awareness of what is around us and within us in the moment, so that we can see deeply without being caught in the past or the future. She says mindfulness has a different flavor from meditation, “Meditation tends to take you from the…
Exploring the Realm of Synchronicity with Sky Nelson-Isaacs
Even though classical science has not produced a good explanation for synchronicity, we all have had a direct experience of it at various moments in our lives. Our guest today tells us that synchronicity is defined as a meaningful coincidence that is personal and that it is nature’s language for…
We Are Not Who We “Think” We Are with Kate Gustin, Ph.D.
It is easy to get caught up in our mind’s version of who we are. Our thoughts do a great job of trying to define us as an island, as a discrete individual with a particular narrative about who we think we are. This construct of creating our personal myths…
Using Our Whole Brain with James Olson
For many years, James Olson has investigated the effects of brain perspective on government, corporate life, war, and our personal lives. Most of us have a predominant way of thinking. Either we use the left brain, which tends to be analytical and dualistic in its perspective – it looks at the parts…
Awakening, Prospering, and Fulfilling Our Potential with Ellen Grace O’Brian
As spiritual seekers most of us have asked ourselves such questions as: How can we live skillfully and prosper to fulfill our destiny? How may we be free from self-doubt, worry, or the opinions of others? How do we throw off the shackles of fear that bind us or that…