Navigating The Post-Trust Era with Shiv Singh
Social media and other new communication tools have changed the world mostly for the better. However, it is ever more difficult to know whom to trust and what to believe. The result is that we have entered what Singh describes as a post-trust era. Here we shine a light on…
Ensuring Your Well-Being with Robert J. Wicks, Ph.D.
As a professor and clinical psychologist who works with people in the helping professions–physicians, teachers, psychologists, ministers, rescue workers–who are most in danger of burnout or traumatic stress, Wicks has made many discoveries on how we can live our fleeting days with meaning, peace, compassion, and contentment. He says, “When…
Coming Into Our Fullness with Azarm Ghareman, Ph.D.
Ghareman describes the dilemma of women today: “Many women, in an attempt to become loving and nurturing, really have become a 24-hour buffet. They give, give, give and they are driving themselves to the ground. They are drained while at the same time culture is reinforcing and rewarding them for…
Empathy: Bridging The Divide Of Polarizing Conversations with Edwin Rutsch
For over a decade, Edwin Rutsch has hitchhiked, bicycled, traveled and worked his way around our precious planet. He interacted with a wide variety of cultures and peoples from all walks of life and learned to see and feel a common humanity shared by people around the world. During his explorations…
The Science of Consciousness: Life After Death with Christina Rasmussen
Often the death of someone we love shifts reality as we’ve known it and brings forth an opening just wide enough for us to begin seeking a deeper truth, a multi-dimensional one. This inquiry can take us closer to a more expansive understanding of our own timeless consciousness. It is…
Why Buddhist Practice? Why Psychotherapy? with Pilar Jennings, Ph.D.
Jennings is both a Buddhist practitioner and a psychologist. Here she talks about when it’s appropriate to bring our psychological struggles to our Buddhist teacher and when it is appropriate to bring them to a therapist. In general, Jennings says the differences between them are: “When you are working with a…
A New Scientific Paradigm Where Consciousness Is Fundamental And Matter Is Derived From It with Mark Gober
Scientific materialism is the reigning paradigm of scientific inquiry. It is the notion that physical matter is fundamental in the universe. Materialism assumes that matter produces consciousness and holds that the brain produces consciousness. Therefore, when your brain dies, your consciousness dies. Gober has compiled extensive research that turns scientific…
Rewiring Our Brains For Effectiveness And Well-being with Linda Graham, MFT
Graham points out that it is possible to train our brains, our bodies, and our hearts to access our intuitive wisdom, not only to get through the tough times but to grow and become more conscious in the process. This training is supported by research scientists who have found that…
What Really Matters with Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D.
Masters says, “I see anger as the guardian of boundaries. I see a lot of people caught in spiritual bypassing as having such poor boundaries they cannot say a clear no. They are overly attached to being nice, and sweet, and go to look positive. There is this addiction to being…
Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…