Spotlight: Emotions: Do They Help or Hinder?
Daniel Goleman’s blockbuster book Emotional Intelligence brought the conversation about emotions to a new level. What are the pitfalls and gifts that our emotions bring to our lives? What are some aspects of emotional intelligence? Are actions more important than analysis? Why does our brain perceive emotions as a threat…
Spotlight: Tapping Into Unlimited Joy And Creative Freedom
We all have an unlimited capacity for love, for joy, for communion with life, and for unshakable freedom. Subjects covered in these programs include: the two kinds of suffering and why we attach ourselves to them, how we can find our happiness set point, how making the quantum leap from…
Spotlight: Buddhism and the Challenges of Everyday Life
According to the Buddha, the path of kindness is the path of happiness. Because this is easier said than done, there are scores of long-term meditators who have come to realize that spiritual practice does not always eliminate the psychological problems they hoped it would. These four trustworthy wisdom…
Centenarians are the fastest-growing age group in the industrial world, and the founding members of history’s first senior-dominant society. This aging population is a precious resource to society. These wisdom keepers touch such subjects as: We’re all getting older. Why and how does aging happen? Why do we spend so…
Spotlight: Some Program Gems You May Have Missed In 2022
Spiritual teacher, Guy Finley has said this about his experience of New Dimensions. “There are very few places on this earth that still hold what is real, true, and good. I know that New Dimensions is one of those places. The earnestness, the sincerity, all that we can hope for…
Spotlight: Together We Become Islands of Sanity
As we become exhausted and heartsick in this time of constant distractions, disappointments, and overwhelm, we need each other like we’ve never needed each other before. When social and other structures are breaking down there is a great opportunity for creating positive, imaginative, and powerful change in the world. Let…
Spotlight: Paul Winter – Pioneer Of “Earth Music” Interweaves the Voices of the Wild
Since the 1960s, Paul Winter has been in the vanguard of musicians whose art expresses special appreciation for the natural music of our world—including wolves, whales, birds, wind, and water. His inclusivity combines everything from Bach to Bossa Nova. His albums Common Ground and Callings are cultural landmarks as is…
Spotlight: Huston Smith & Wayne Dyer: Two Brilliant Visionaries Share Enduring Wisdom
In these four programs, specially selected from the New Dimensions program archive, you will explore two MP3s of the penetrating insights derived from a lifetime study of the world’s religions from the wisdom elder Huston Smith as well as two MP3s with the dynamic “father of motivation”, Wayne Dyer, who…
Spotlight: Coping With Troubled Times
As we collectively advocate for meaningful, lasting, and systemic change, these four wisdom elders widen and deepen our view of the broken social construct that denies equality for all citizens and explore how we can all be warriors for the human spirit. Making Magic In The World with Maya Angelou…
Spotlight: Networks Of Grace
We each carry wisdom within and by sharing our stories we remind one another of the power of grace that is available to all. Hear advice on how we can tap into that sacred mystery as these spiritual leaders share their wisdom on the power of prayer, the importance…