Reimagining A Religion That Feeds Your Soul with Thomas Moore, Ph.D.
Church attendance continues to decline as many of us abandon the religious institutions of our youth. However, in today’s culture the search for the sacred has never been more active. Thomas Moore suggests that nature, art, and accessing the wealth of traditional spiritual wisdom can be of enormous help in…
Thomas Aquinas: A Sacred Activist for Our Time with Father Matthew Fox, Ph.D.
Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar, philosopher, Catholic priest, Doctor of the Church, and a premodern citizen in the 13th century. Here scholar, theologian, and teacher, Father Matthew Fox explores the writings and wisdom of this electrifying saint and speaks of Aquinas’ timeless wisdom to a postmodern world. Fox encourages…
Forgiveness Is the Path with Ronita Johnson
Ronita Johnson is an African American daughter of a preacher who grew up initially in Louisiana and later in Northern California. Here she tells her story of a severe childhood which left her feeling shame, guilt, bitterness, and a general sense of unworthiness. She shares her journey from a devastating…
The Bhagavad Gita: A Chat with God with Isaac Bentwich, M.D.
The Bhagavad Gita is a 2500 year old sacred text of India and has been revered by such luminaries as Beethoven, Leonard Cohen, Carl Jung, Robert Oppenheimer, Mahatma Gandhi, and many others. It’s a divine song and one of the most trusted guides for happiness, meditation, and spiritual inner growth. It is…
Through the Lens of the Feminine Wisdom Teachings with Mirabai Starr
The Wisdom Traditions and rituals of women mystics have been woefully neglected in both literature and in practice in most of the world’s religions. Starr shows us that feminine mystical experience with its emphasis on the value of relationships, feelings, and mutual empowerment over individual success can guide us through…
The Healing Power Of Journaling with Diana Raab
Raab is an expert in journaling. She encourages each of us to make it part of our daily lives. She says, “Sometimes we feel bad but we don’t really know why. [Journaling] clears your mind and your mental health status improves . . .Very often we are so busy, robotically…
Why Buddhist Practice? Why Psychotherapy? with Pilar Jennings, Ph.D.
Jennings is both a Buddhist practitioner and a psychologist. Here she talks about when it’s appropriate to bring our psychological struggles to our Buddhist teacher and when it is appropriate to bring them to a therapist. In general, Jennings says the differences between them are: “When you are working with a…
A Wild And Crazy Time with Don Lattin
As the 1950s came to a close, a new era of social, spiritual, sexual, political and psychological revolution was beginning. Here in this provocative dialogue, you will meet some of the wild characters who made the 1960s the most memorable decade of the 20th century. Lattin says, “[The] big question at the…
Digging A Deep Well To Our Spiritual Waters with Mirabai Starr
Delving into many different spiritual paths can be thought of as digging many shallow wells with the hope of reaching water. However, Mirabai Starr’s experience tells her that she is using many different tools to dig a single deep well. Following the interspiritual path goes beyond simply understanding another’s religion.…