Illness As A Message From The Soul with Christine Page, M.D.
Christine Page suggests there is an underlying psychological and emotional component to illness, and this makes up the soil of the body. Page believes illness is a lived experience of the mind/body/spirit and not just a physiological episode. When working with someone, she asks herself, “What is the underlying disturbance…
The Journey Of Losing A Soulmate To Cancer with Carla Malden
When you lose someone, well-meaning people give you books full of supposedly uplifting platitudes: “time heals all wounds;” “there is a purpose to this;” “you will find closure.” But, as non-religious baby-boomer Carla Malden says, she found them useless. She shares the highs and lows, sparing nothing in her truth-telling. You will…
Reclaiming Illness and Death as Natural Parts of Life with BJ Miller, M.D.
Statistics show that only 10 to 20% of us will die without warning. That means most of us have a choice as to how to orient ourselves for the inevitable. Where we will die and, most importantly, how to spend time meanwhile. Next to birth, death is one of our…
Humor Saves the Day From Loss with Allen Klein
Everyone has their own unique way of grieving loss. Klein says, “I believe loss is a gift; from every loss we learn. We learn, if nothing else, how precious life is. We need to appreciate what we have right now.” He speaks from the experience of losing his 34 year old wife,…
Communicating Across the Veil of Death with Cynthia Spring
Is death actually a transition from one kind of life to another? Are our loved ones close at hand even after death? Can we collaborate with loved ones from different sides of the veil of death? Is there a reality to “soul” and “spirit?” This deep dialogue explores these subjects…
Re-Creating the World with Michael Meade
Meade shares the Native American story of the Old Woman in the Cave and the ancient Vedic myth of Manu who saves a fish and establishes our interconnection with all life and the natural world. These two myths are re-creation stories as opposed to simply creation myths. He reminds us that we…
Re-Creating the World with Michael Meade
Meade shares the Native American story of the Old Woman in the Cave and the ancient Vedic myth of Manu who saves a fish and establishes our interconnection with all life and the natural world. These two myths are re-creation stories as opposed to simply creation myths. He reminds us that we…
The Science of Consciousness: Life After Death with Christina Rasmussen
Often the death of someone we love shifts reality as we’ve known it and brings forth an opening just wide enough for us to begin seeking a deeper truth, a multi-dimensional one. This inquiry can take us closer to a more expansive understanding of our own timeless consciousness. It is…
A New Scientific Paradigm Where Consciousness Is Fundamental And Matter Is Derived From It with Mark Gober
Scientific materialism is the reigning paradigm of scientific inquiry. It is the notion that physical matter is fundamental in the universe. Materialism assumes that matter produces consciousness and holds that the brain produces consciousness. Therefore, when your brain dies, your consciousness dies. Gober has compiled extensive research that turns scientific…
Restoring Meaning And Dignity To End-Of-Life Care with Katy Butler
We live in a time when advanced medicine can give us the ability to live longer and longer but ultimately death is a reality. Advanced medicine, most especially conveyor-belt medicine, is not set up to prepare us for a peaceful death. The final reality of death is unavoidable but the…