Asking Better Questions with Robert Fuller, Ph.D.
From traveling across Russia on the Trans-Siberian railroad to the “Golden Rule” in religion, Robert Fuller takes us on a wide and deep adventure, always returning to the idea that learning to ask better questions is one of the keys to truly improving our lives and improving society. In Fuller’s varied career…
Reimagining A Religion That Feeds Your Soul with Thomas Moore, Ph.D.
Church attendance continues to decline as many of us abandon the religious institutions of our youth. However, in today’s culture the search for the sacred has never been more active. Thomas Moore suggests that nature, art, and accessing the wealth of traditional spiritual wisdom can be of enormous help in…
The Public Purpose Of Art with Arlene Goldbard
We’re on the cusp of a paradigm shift, a radical change in worldview that will thrust art and culture onto center stage. What does that mean? How will the world be different? What is the rising spirit of the times and how is it being expressed in art? Arlene Goldbard…
Illness As A Message From The Soul with Christine Page, M.D.
Christine Page suggests there is an underlying psychological and emotional component to illness, and this makes up the soil of the body. Page believes illness is a lived experience of the mind/body/spirit and not just a physiological episode. When working with someone, she asks herself, “What is the underlying disturbance…
The Essence of Erosion and Evolution with Terry Tempest Williams
Williams asks the central question for our world today, “How do we find the strength to not look away from all that is breaking our hearts?” She looks at the elements of erosion and evolution with regards to all that is shaping the physical landscape of our nation due to climate change…
Empowering Women Artisans From Around the World with Kara Valentine
In this uplifting dialogue Valentine is sharing how her organization is offering women who are living in poverty stricken communities a way to earn a livable wage that supports themselves and their families. By partnering and building alliances with artisans around the world, women are rewriting their futures through jewelry…
Becoming Warriors For The Human Spirit with Margaret J Wheatley, Ph.D.
By studying the history of living systems and their natural life cycles, Wheatley has discovered that every living system goes through a life cycle: birth, creativity, flowering, harvesting, and then death. It was no surprise for her to realize that every civilization goes through this life cycle as well. She…
Why Buddhist Practice? Why Psychotherapy? with Pilar Jennings, Ph.D.
Jennings is both a Buddhist practitioner and a psychologist. Here she talks about when it’s appropriate to bring our psychological struggles to our Buddhist teacher and when it is appropriate to bring them to a therapist. In general, Jennings says the differences between them are: “When you are working with a…
Adulthood II: A Whole New Stage In The Life Cycle with Mary Catherine Bateson, Ph.D.
People are living longer but this new longevity is not equivalent to an extension of old age or years added on at the end of life. Children have left home and many are facing retirement, but are not ready to spend this time on the golf course, or playing endless…
A Crisis Of Truth And Meaning, Recovering Soul In Times Of Change with Michael Meade
Through the art of storytelling, Meade shares: “The key aspect of soul is its depth. . . . It is the descending, the deepening part . . It’s the roots going further down as opposed to up towards the heavens . . .Soul goes towards diversity and multiplicity like the roots…