I’m having to turn this “Editor’s Desk” piece in prior to the conclusion of voting in the 2020 election. If you are like me you’re sitting on pins and needles and feeling quite anxious about it. Nevertheless, life goes on outside the election. Thus, here are my thoughts for the…
When I first heard the news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg had died, I went into a depression. My normal optimism had fled and left me with feelings of despair. During this time, I was preparing for an interview with Hersch Wilson who is a 30-year veteran volunteer…
Editor’s Desk: Be Optimistically Curious
Several years ago, I joined with two friends in a 10-week spiritual practice which consisted of ten life-revealing questions. I’ve listed these Questions to Contemplate for you at the bottom of the post. We started with one question each week: We would meditate on it, journal about it, and…
Editor’s Desk: The Joy of Living In The Question
It was Joseph Campbell from whom I first heard this Rilke quote: “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers,…
Editor’s Desk: Descent into the Cave of Regret
My heart is aching and tears are forming in my eyes as I watch a family joyously having a squirt gun fight in a scene in the TV series Council of Dads. I pause to check in with my body trying to understand what triggered my tears. Was it…
Editor’s Desk: Encounter With A Horse In A Bar
As I steered the car into my designated parking spot in my apartment complex, my cell phone rang. My whole body was smiling as the name Anne Palenske, my dear childhood friend, flashed on my dashboard screen. We don’t talk often, however, when we do speak our conversations…
Editor’s Desk: Mother-Work: God Is Like A Mother Hen
My dear Circle Sister, Ann Smith, wrote this essay several years ago and I feel it is appropriate for us now as we approach and celebrate Mother’s Day. Along with me, she is a Millionth Circle Convener as well as the Regional Coordinator of the Southwest Florida chapter of Gather…
Editor’s Desk: Thoughts on Staying Calm and Centered
Even if I limit my check-in with the news, a barrage of reporting creeps into my life through invisible corridors. It seeps under my doorsill and through the open window. It resides in my heart as a low-grade anxiety. I feel it impacting the way I’m responding to others…
In a recent interview, meditation teacher Tara Brach led me through a guided meditation to help me work on a particular issue that often triggers a negative reaction on my part. I get triggered when technology is not working causing me to make a phone call to try to get…
Editor’s Desk: Birdwatching Changes Your Attention
Jenny Odell, a multi-disciplinary artist and author of How To Do Nothing: Resisting The Attention Economy, was a recent guest on New Dimensions. The interview with her Finding an Antidote to the Attention Economy (Program #3689) was broadcast in November 2019. She shared her wisdom about how social media…