Two Faces of Fear: Constructive/Destructive with Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D.
We’re all familiar with the aspect of fear that strangles us, holds us back, and keeps us living lives filled with stress, unhappiness, and emptiness. This kind of fear creates chronic anxiety, depression, and disconnection. However, Manly shares a hidden aspect of this same fear that affords us the opportunity…
Exploring the Realm of Synchronicity with Sky Nelson-Isaacs
Even though classical science has not produced a good explanation for synchronicity, we all have had a direct experience of it at various moments in our lives. Our guest today tells us that synchronicity is defined as a meaningful coincidence that is personal and that it is nature’s language for…
Loving Without Limits with Guy Finley
Our most loving relationships often start at the top of the mountain; they begin with the magic of romance. However, when the veneer of those early beginnings starts to wear thin, tensions inevitably surface. When we find ourselves reacting to our partner with potent, negative feelings, we have two choices.…
An Awakened, Undefended, And Intelligent Heart with Terry Patten
Despite our present polarization and alienation from one another, there are some underlying shifts taking place in the world that should force us to come together in mutual support and creativity. Terry Patten is our escort and guide to how we may become evolutionary activists in this era of exploding…
Living With Less Fear with Dean Sluyter
As life unfolds, we all experience many successes as well as challenges. Sluyter warns us that “we get distracted by the good and the bad shiny objects. We get caught up in stuff and then we come to define our lives in terms of how things work out.” He reminds us of…
Outliving The Limitation Of Our Personal Stories with Gangaji
The stories we tell ourselves about who we are, our childhood, our memories of the past, our life in the present, are like clothing we put on. These narratives provide us with endless hours of entertainment. Sometimes they’re horror stories and sometimes comedies. But do these tales tell us who…
Intelligent Evolution with Nicki Scully
Healer Nicki Scully tells us how it is time for us to move from healing ourselves to healing the planet. We can do this collectively by joining together in circles, in phone-bridges, and in our own personal meditations. Now is the time for us to make a quantum leap in…
The Choice Point for Humanity in “The Age of Surprises” with Deirdre Hade & William Arntz
A physicist and a mystic make an unusual team, combining their wisdom and experience to encourage us at this time of “choice point” for humanity. As a scientist, Arntz shares: “[T]here are data points of non-physical reality happening that scientists don’t listen to. I tried to be a real scientist and…
Coping With The Emotional Residue Of A Life-Threatening Illness with Cheryl Krauter
There are many stages one goes through when facing a life-threatening illness. First is the initial diagnosis when decisions are being made regarding treatment. Then there is the treatment stage: depending on the course of treatment, this stage can be quite brutal. These stages are followed by the post-treatment stage…
Conscious Eldering with Ron Pevny
Pevny points out that in order to become truly wise and vibrant elders we must actively participate in our ongoing growth and transformation. It is never too late to experience an ever unfolding, meaningful fulfillment of our potential no matter how old we are. He says, “Many people think that…