Editor’s Desk: Current Anxiety and Advice from Wise, Generous Friends
In a recent email to my private list of friends, family, and New Dimensions colleagues, I admitted that I’m struggling to not get depressed and worried when I realize we are 9 months out from the national election. I feel relentlessly bombarded by so much news that it is often…
Editor’s Desk: Encounter with a Horse in a Bar
Anne Palenske was a childhood friend with whom I’d stayed in contact over the years. We didn’t talk often, however, when we did speak our conversations were lively, full of laughter, and great memories. Anne and I shared a love of horses. In fact, she was one who introduced me…
Editor’s Desk: Winter Solstice 2023
Winter Solstice 2023 Wishing you a most joy-filled holiday season. Amazingly, I continue my New Dimensions Radio work. We have now completed its 50th year of continuing programming with some of the world’s foremost wisdom keepers. I’m looking for grants to allow me to plan the legacy of the programming…
Editor’s Desk: The Rippling Effect of Generosity
I don’t think it would take much on my part to convince you that things are in terrible shape. The “rumors” of wars are not mere rumors — but actualities. We see the evidence live nightly as we attempt to keep ourselves from being numbed by the extreme suffering happening…
Editor’s Desk: Spinning Plates
Yesterday, as I was leaving my office, I noticed a greeting card on the floor. I have no idea how it got there but intuited that it was my invisible guides ringing the doorbell of my consciousness. The front of the card was a picture of a sleeping cat. It…
Editor’s Desk: In Our Backyards
Constance Miles is a dear friend and poet. Recently she sent a poem, West Country, which describes her back yard teeming with life. West County To escape the heat, I don’t emerge until dusk, like a hummingbird moth, flitting from flower to flower. I deadhead roses, dahlias, snapdragons, gather…
Editor’s Desk: Our Animal Companions: Kindred Spirits
Humans are not a “stand-alone” species but are interconnected to all life in unseen ways. The diversity of life exists everywhere. It even surrounds our homes. Just look out your window and you’ll see an abundance of nature. You’ll see birds, flowers, spider webs, squirrels, moths flying around porch lights,…
Editor’s Desk: Spirit Lives in the Flow
Recently I came across an old CD of some excerpts that Michael and I picked out in 1990. As a listener to New Dimensions, you’ve heard me say that one of my prayers is to notice the signals coming from spirit. So, with curiosity as to what I might find…
Editor’s Desk: Camber and the Pack Rat
As I read and prepare for my upcoming interview with Margaret Renkl, author of The Comfort of Crows: A Backyard Year, my memory synapses are triggered with images of my own personal encounters with wildlife. For instance, Renkl writes of her time—in what she describes as less than a…
Editor’s Desk: Excerpt from Dougald Hine’s new book At Work in the Ruins
A friend sent me this article which led me to request permission to reprint it. I find Dougald’s words deeply comforting because I believe he is going to the heart of what I call these “liquifying” times. When I use the term liquifying I’m referring to the caterpillar that must liquify before…