Spotlight: Practicing Resilience When Life Goes Topsy Turvy
The practice of resilience is vital to being able to adapt to life’s stresses and adversities. Our ability to bounce back can be learned and developed. You will find that the stories and wisdom of these New Dimensions guests are filled with inspiration and practical illustrations from their own lives.…
Spotlight: Stop Arguing Start Talking
It has been said that we live in an argument culture. We talk past one another and discord arises in families, at work, and in communities. Conflicts are unlikely to go away any time soon, so how can we resolve them in creative and constructive ways? The following four Programs…
Spotlight: Our Love Affair with Technology
How are we to mindfully navigate this technologically saturated environment? Here, four pioneers in the information age contemplate such questions as how the “Infosphere” is changing our collective metaphors. They suggest it is influencing the way we perceive and think. They help us navigate toward trustworthy information to not fall…
Spotlight: Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., A Renaissance Woman For Our Time
I remember reading Jean’s book Goddesses in Every Woman and then producing a New Dimensions’ program with her on that subject. It was 1984 and was a significant and most profound moment in my life as I discovered the goddess Athena for the first time. Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. is…
Spotlight: Love & Compassion Must Be Embedded in Action
These four programs are specially selected from our archive and include a scientist, a pioneer in the exploration of human consciousness, a Buddhist monk, a physicist, and an environmentalist who share their extensive experience of social change, the essence of nonviolence, and how love and compassion must be embedded in…
Spotlight: Walking the Edge of the Sword with Two Original and Influential Mystics
These two mystics and revered pioneers in the study of consciousness and nonduality encourage us to walk the edge of the sword in a deep dive into what life is all about and the possibility of personal liberation that is eminently real and attainable. They challenge us with such provocative…
Spotlight: Living In Meaningful Coincidence
When we pay attention to certain events that spontaneously show up in our lives, such as dreaming of a long-lost friend and the next day they call, one might call this a synchronicity. When we pay attention to these events, our lives move into a greater flow, enhancing our creativity…
In life we all basically want the same things. We want care, understanding, empathy, and appreciation. Cultivating closeness is a life-long practice. Here are four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions archive that share deep wisdom about the continuing process of creating loving relationships. At The Heart Of Loneliness…
Spotlight: From Science to Mythology
What is the role of myth in our personal lives? What are the archetypal difficulties of men and women and how do they differ? What happens when we are called to the hero’s journey but don’t listen? How did Einstein discover that imagination was more than facts? How is…
Spotlight: Friends in the Metacrisis
More than ever now is the time to gather together in the sacred friendship and “Networks of Grace.” As we go through this collective, sacred, global, rite of passage, we must gather with spiritual friends. If you only download one of the four programs that I’ve selected for this week’s…