Developing Our Natural Resilience with Linda Graham
Graham assures us that we can rewire neural networks in our brain and build resilience to the point that positive emotions become almost a default reaction. Positive emotions are natural in easy times but more difficult to evoke in hard times. Resilience and positive emotions are inseparable. Linda Graham explains…
Matter And Consciousness: Shifting The Metaparadigm with Peter Russell, D.C.S.
Russell explains the difference between a paradigm and a metaparadigm and why consciousness cannot be explained within our current systems. He asserts that science is able to measure phenomena such as energy, time, and space, yet has not found a way to prove or measure consciousness. “These are all concepts in the…
ESP, Autistic Children, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, And More with Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D.
Dr. Powell describes how her curiosity about human consciousness led her to study the extent of human extrasensory abilities. Her research drove her to focus largely on autism, savant syndrome and abnormal brain function, among other things, to support the existence of extrasensory phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, and…
The Timeless and Urgent Wisdom of Joseph Chilton Pearce with Michael Mendizza
The deepening of personal transformation is an ongoing act of self-discovery and we’re standing on the shoulders of the many pioneers in the study of the astonishing capacities of the human mind and spirit. One such pioneer is the late Joseph Chilton Pearce, whose work has encompassed many decades of…
Neurotoxins: The Invisible Pandemic with Brant Cortright, Ph.D.
The brain is exquisitely sensitive and responsive to its inner and outer environment. New neural pathways and new brain cells are continuously forming, and, at the same time, the brain is constantly pruning unused connections. It’s extremely complex with its multiple feedback loops, redundant protective mechanisms, its vast number of…
The Intelligence And Consciousness Of Octopuses with Sy Montgomery
After studying many birds, reptiles, and mammals, naturalist Sy Montgomery decided to study something very different from humans. For several years she made the acquaintance of several octopuses, an animal species that could not be more different from human. They live in the sea, they have no bones, and they…
Connecting With Animals As Teachers with Richard Louv
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a wild animal? If so, you know how its gaze unnerves us and we’re struck with awe and wonder in its presence. It can be described as a sacred experience. Even in urban areas there are many opportunities to encounter the wild…
Asking Better Questions with Robert Fuller, Ph.D.
From traveling across Russia on the Trans-Siberian railroad to the “Golden Rule” in religion, Robert Fuller takes us on a wide and deep adventure, always returning to the idea that learning to ask better questions is one of the keys to truly improving our lives and improving society. In Fuller’s varied career…
Exploring the Hidden Kingdom of Fungi with Merlin Sheldrake, Ph.D.
Nature is an assemblage of entanglements in which we are messily embedded. Humans are multi-species beings consisting of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that coordinate the task of living. In this deep dialogue we explore the fascinating world of the kingdom of fungi and its importance to all life…
The Power Of Poetry In Uncertain Times with Jane Hirshfield
In this time of global uncertainty good poems can soften the heart and help us face another day with curiosity, wonder and hope. A good poem gives us another lens with which to view the world and helps bring what is often unseen into view. It can be the observation…