Reclaiming Wonder and Hope with Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.

August 16, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Hank Wesselman
Free Listening, Interviews
Wesselman encourages us to move beyond “hand-me-down” beliefs and religions. Instead he invites us to co-create with spirit and follow a path of direct experience of the sacred. Our collective plunge down the steep slope of progress has come at the cost of a deep, intuitive connection with nature and…

Thomas Merton, A Mystic Lover Of Life with Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

May 17, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Fr. Matthew Fox
Free Listening, Interviews
Thomas Merton was an American Catholic writer, mystic, and Trappist monk who died mysteriously in Bangkok, Thailand when he was 53 years old. The gifts he left behind from his short life were immense. He combined deep contemplation with social action. Here Fr. Matthew Fox shares his profound intersection with…

From Religiosity To Spirituality with Father Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

March 9, 2022
Read Time: 2 minutes
Fr. Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox’s spiritual enthusiasm has taken him beyond the dogma of the Catholic Church and for this he’s been censored by the Vatican and ultimately expelled from the order of the Dominicans. However, this has not stilled his voice for a theology that both harkens back to such religious philosophers…

A Wild And Laughing God with Tessa Bielecki

February 14, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Tessa Bielecki
Have you ever imagined Jesus laughing? Tessa Bielecki has. She also reminds us that he was the one who made sure there was plenty of wine at that wedding party we’ve heard so much about. A lifelong Christian monastic who now lives in a cabin in the desert, she loves…

The Choice Point for Humanity in “The Age of Surprises” with Deirdre Hade & William Arntz

November 8, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
A physicist and a mystic make an unusual team, combining their wisdom and experience to encourage us at this time of “choice point” for humanity. As a scientist, Arntz shares: “[T]here are data points of non-physical reality happening that scientists don’t listen to. I tried to be a real scientist and…

Reclaiming Wonder and Hope with Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.

January 25, 2017
Read Time: 2 minutes
Hank Wesselman
Wesselman encourages us to move beyond “hand-me-down” beliefs and religions. Instead he invites us to co-create with spirit and follow a path of direct experience of the sacred. Our collective plunge down the steep slope of progress has come at the cost of a deep, intuitive connection with nature and…

Thomas Merton, A Mystic Lover Of Life with Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

November 30, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
Fr. Matthew Fox
Thomas Merton was an American Catholic writer, mystic, and Trappist monk who died mysteriously in Bangkok, Thailand when he was 53 years old. The gifts he left behind from his short life were immense. He combined deep contemplation with social action. Here Fr. Matthew Fox shares his profound intersection with…

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