Gratefulness: Taking Nothing for Granted with Kristi Nelson

April 10, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Kristi Nelson knows the deep joy that springs from simply being alive. This perspective has grown out of her own struggles with stage IV cancer. It led her to explore the practice of gratefulness. And she’s discovered that living with gratefulness is more than just another task to perform, it’s…

Sekhmet, The Egyptian Goddess Of “Enough Is Enough” with Nicki Scully

February 21, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Nicki Scully
Free Listening, Interviews
The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet is known as “She Who Comes in Times of Chaos.” She transforms fear and rage into alchemical gold. Whether this is actual or metaphorical, Scully teaches us how to tap into these healing energies and spin them into creative solutions that benefit yourself, your community, and…

Microdosing Awe in Our Everyday Life with Jake Eagle, LPC and Michael Amster, M.D.

May 31, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Here we explore the emotion of awe and how we can receive its powerful benefits in our everyday life. Awe gives us a break from processing and judging unwanted events and gives us the capacity to see through them—to see a larger picture and we don’t have to travel to…

Meeting Daily With Our Chief Spiritual Officer with May McCarthy

March 22, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
May McCarthy
Free Listening, Interviews
Executives can spend hours in daily meetings to ensure the success of a company. What if that commitment can be applied to your own success, but with much more ease? As a founder of many business endeavors, May McCarthy works with various heads of departments such as Chief Information Officers…

Spiritual Friends: Help in a Time of Metacrisis with Terry Patten

October 20, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
In recent times, Patten has been focusing his work on humanity’s civilizational crisis and collective mortality. Since April 2021 he’s also had to face his personal mortality in the form of a rare, aggressive “incurable” Stage IV cancer. Here he shares what he’s learning about being of benefit to all…

Forgiveness Is the Path with Ronita Johnson

January 29, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Ronita Johnson
Ronita Johnson is an African American daughter of a preacher who grew up initially in Louisiana and later in Northern California. Here she tells her story of a severe childhood which left her feeling shame, guilt, bitterness, and a general sense of unworthiness. She shares her journey from a devastating…

Coming Into Our Fullness with Azarm Ghareman, Ph.D.

May 15, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Azarm Ghareman
Ghareman describes the dilemma of women today: “Many women, in an attempt to become loving and nurturing, really have become a 24-hour buffet. They give, give, give and they are driving themselves to the ground. They are drained while at the same time culture is reinforcing and rewarding them for…

Sekhmet, The Egyptian Goddess Of “Enough Is Enough” with Nicki Scully

September 19, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Nicki Scully
The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet is known as “She Who Comes in Times of Chaos.” She transforms fear and rage into alchemical gold. Whether this is actual or metaphorical, Scully teaches us how to tap into these healing energies and spin them into creative solutions that benefit yourself, your community, and…

Conscious Eldering with Ron Pevny

September 27, 2017
Read Time: 2 minutes
Ron Pevny
Pevny points out that in order to become truly wise and vibrant elders we must actively participate in our ongoing growth and transformation. It is never too late to experience an ever unfolding, meaningful fulfillment of our potential no matter how old we are. He says, “Many people think that…

Feel First/Think Later: Finding Your Way To Emotional Freedom with Raphael Cushnir

May 3, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
Raphael Cushnir
Are there places in your life where you feel blocked? Is your career or your relationship not what you thought it would be? Are you still struggling with an addiction to smoking or food? Raphael Cushnir believes that whenever we struggle, or whenever we feel unable to accomplish the things…

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