Achieving Lasting Changes in Eating and Exercise with Michelle Segar, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Free Listening Through October 1: Keep listening while you browse! Click on the Pop out player button, above on the right. Despite our strongest intentions, there are common reasons we may find ourselves defeated in our efforts to make sustainable changes in eating and exercise. We can finally achieve our…
Reweaving Our Social Fabric with Diana McLain Smith, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Free Listening Through September 24: Keep listening while you browse! Click on the Pop out player button, above on the right. The media landscape poses significant challenges in the current political climate. As media outlets continue to monetize and make financial profits from citizen-consumers they contribute to the polarization affecting…
Loving Without Limits with Guy Finley
Free Listening, Interviews
Our most loving relationships often start at the top of the mountain; they begin with the magic of romance. However, when the veneer of those early beginnings starts to wear thin, tensions inevitably surface. When we find ourselves reacting to our partner with potent, negative feelings, we have two choices.…
Transforming Our Relationship With Chronic Pain with Sarah Anne Shockley
Free Listening, Interviews
In life we all basically want the same things. We want care, understanding, empathy, and appreciation. One avenue that will take us there is to become master communicators. Most of us have had little to no training in how best to communicate in ways that foster deep trust and intimacy.…
Developing Our “Superpower” Of Connecting With Others with Jonathan Robinson
Free Listening, Interviews
In life we all basically want the same things. We want care, understanding, empathy, and appreciation. One avenue that will take us there is to become master communicators. Most of us have had little to no training in how best to communicate in ways that foster deep trust and intimacy.…
Exploring The Secrets Of Light And Consciousness with Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Liberman makes the provocative statement that “Anything that catches your eye is actually looking for you.” This leads him to speak about living in a choiceless way and following what attracts your eye. He says, “You see what grabs your attention is being animated by the same thing that animates…
Connecting With Our Inner Guidance with Ellen Tadd
Free Listening, Interviews
There are those of us who function primarily out of our analytical mind. Others of us are governed by our intuition or are moved to act from our gut feelings. This dialogue explores another force that can assist us in finding trustworthy guidance in our lives. Here we investigate what…
Sacred Activism for Mother Earth with Cynthia Jurs
Free Listening, Interviews
There is an ancient Tibetan practice of Earth Treasure Vases. These clay vases are created and empowered to bring healing, stabilization, and immeasurable blessings when they are ceremonially buried in the earth. Cynthia Jurs was given her life assignment by Charok Rinpoche, a 106-year-old lama living in a cave in…
Singing with Others as a Force for Spiritual Sustenance with Benjamin Mertz
Free Listening, Interviews
Planting seeds of hope and compassion is the most important thing we can do in the face of oppression, negativity, terror, and injustice. Little compares to the powerful spiritual force of joining voices to harmonize in songs of freedom. It’s a transformative occasion when done with the fullness of our…
In the Trusted Company of Others with Mark Nepo
Free Listening, Interviews
Both ancient and modern wisdom counsel that the path to a good life is to be full of care, to work with what is given, and to look for friends along the way. Friendship is the tether that holds us as we navigate life’s many thresholds. Nothing draws us through…