The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.
Finley explores deescalating painful disagreements and fights in our relationships and gives us tools to transform anger and blame into healthy and fulfilling communication. He shows us a way to stop old, negative patterns in their tracks and leads us into a landscape in which we can deepen the loving bond between ourselves and our partners.
Our present media landscape poses significant challenges in the current political climate as they continue to exacerbate the perception that most U.S. citizens are hopelessly divided. Research shows this is not the reality. Outlined here are examples of many groups that have built alliances and have crossed boundaries to build a better future for all.
Despite our strongest intentions, there are common reasons we may find ourselves defeated in our efforts to make sustainable changes in eating and exercise. Segar gives us new frameworks to finally achieve our goals as she outlines areas of behavior based on the science of sustainable change.
This writing process takes the raw material of our lives and transforms it into healing. Heller shares her journey of leaving home when she was thirteen years old and living on the streets to later guide others to use generative writing for self-discovery. Generative writing will reveal your inner wisdom for healing, creative magic, and personal transformation.