Preserve New Dimensions Archive-Become A Legacy Donor
Photo and graphic by New Dimensions “I’ve been a guest on several podcasts lately but rarely do I have the pleasure of talking with someone as interesting, kind, thoughtful, and curious as Justine Willis Toms on New Dimensions. This was a pleasure for me to have the actual time to…
When the caterpillar weaves its cocoon, it dissolves into organic goop. Cells, which had been dormant in the caterpillar and which biologists poetically call “imaginal cells”, begin a process of creating a new form and structure. They begin to find one another to form clusters and pass information back and…
The New Dimensions Pledge to Listeners
We seek to awaken the unique talents and gifts in our listeners and encourage them to contribute their creative genius to their community, family, and their own circle of influence. The New Dimensions’ team is honored to contribute to the well-being of life on this precious planet. This is our…
Spotlight: Practicing Resilience When Life Goes Topsy Turvy
The practice of resilience is vital to being able to adapt to life’s stresses and adversities. Our ability to bounce back can be learned and developed. You will find that the stories and wisdom of these New Dimensions guests are filled with inspiration and practical illustrations from their own lives.…
We don’t receive production funding from radio stations that carry New Dimensions, so we are dependent on listener (your) support. Because we are non-commercial, we’re able to maintain the integrity of our programming, but only with your financial support. It surprises us that many of our listeners do not know…
Support Conscious Media
I’ve had the enormous pleasure of being inspired by several deep dialogues with Dean Sluyter, a wisdom guide par excellence. I was transported in our most recent conversation as he most delightfully and profoundly opened my understanding of such literary geniuses as William Blake, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Dr. Suess,…
As I prepare for an interview, I’m not surprised about how often I run across a reference to the wisdom of physicist Fritjof Capra, Ph.D. He is often quoted by New Dimensions guests. In addition, we’ve been privileged to have hosted Capra many times on our program series. I vividly…
I’m reminded of a story about a battle that goes on inside each of us. A Cherokee grandfather told his grandson “My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies,…
OPEN for Guidance and Support with a Grant Application Project
If you are a person who has grant writing skills and are a listener to the New Dimensions program series, please get in touch. First, we are grateful for the many generous individual donors who have been sustaining the production and distribution of these nurturing and stimulating deep dialogues for…
Spotlight: Our Animal Companions
Humans experience a profound spiritual connection with their animal companions. These special beings not only have healing powers; they often teach us how to be wise. These four programs, especially selected from the New Dimensions program archive, are filled with insights and stories to enhance the connection with our animal friends.…