Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk
Free Listening, Interviews
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…
A Scientific Approach To Magic with Dean Radin, Ph.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
In this far ranging dialogue, scientist Radin separates magic into three categories: divination, force of will, and theurgy (evoking spirits – God force – through ceremony). Divination would include such things as tarot cards, rolling dice, and runes. He says of the other two: There is the “force of will…
Reality May Not Be What We Perceive with Our Senses with Howard Eisenberg, M.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
Quantum physics has shown that we, most likely, are living in a “consensual realty” and that our senses are reporting back to us only a very small portion of the greater reality. In this deep dialogue we discuss how the brain selectively filters our perception of reality through our personal…
Spreading the Positive Virus of Kindness with Lindsay Andreotti
Are you One-of-a-Kindness™? This is the trademarked phrase of the newly formed Kindness Club. We’ve all heard the often-quoted aphorism: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” (Elbert Hubbard). We can all attest to the fact that, in these most challenging of times, it is raining lemons. Lindsay Andreotti suggests…
The Nature Of Consciousness with Christian de Quincey, Ph.D.
In this provocative dialogue Christian de Quincey describes the difference between consciousness and energy as “Consciousness knows, energy flows.” Energy and matter can be quantified but consciousness is non-physical and doesn’t exist in space or time. Consciousness knows objects but it is not itself an object. When asked if consciousness creates matter,…
Our Personal Invitation to Heal America’s Racial Karma with Larry Ward, Ph.D.
America’s racial karma is not a concept but a living reality and no one is likely to be magically exempt from a lifetime of the manifestation of racialized consciousness in this system as white supremacy weaves its deadly pattern through human history over the course of 500 years of social…
Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…
Joy And Happiness Are An Inside Job with James Baraz
Life is not a destination; it is a fluid movement. It takes practice to overcome the daily stresses that make us dense, concretized, and armored. Baraz gives us many steps that we can take to help life move through us as a blessing. He says, “I’ve always felt that having a…
A Scientific Approach To Magic with Dean Radin, Ph.D.
In this far ranging dialogue, scientist Radin separates magic into three categories: divination, force of will, and theurgy (evoking spirits – God force – through ceremony). Divination would include such things as tarot cards, rolling dice, and runes. He says of the other two: There is the “force of will in which your intentions impress…
The High Road To Love And Light with Sandra Ingerman
How would you like to radiate positive thoughts and shield yourself from those that are destructive? Shamanic teacher and author, Sandra Ingerman, beautifully delves into how our thoughts create our lives and impact others. She works with the ancient principle of alchemy, turning heavy-leaded consciousness into light-hearted golden consciousness. Ingerman…