Thomas Merton, A Mystic Lover Of Life with Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

May 17, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Fr. Matthew Fox
Free Listening, Interviews
Thomas Merton was an American Catholic writer, mystic, and Trappist monk who died mysteriously in Bangkok, Thailand when he was 53 years old. The gifts he left behind from his short life were immense. He combined deep contemplation with social action. Here Fr. Matthew Fox shares his profound intersection with…

The Exploration Of The Rainbow Body And The Resurrection Of Jesus with Father Francis Tiso, Ph.D.

December 28, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Francis Tiso
Free Listening, Interviews
The Rainbow Body is the dissolution of the material body at death. In many schools of Buddhism it is considered to be the most significant attainment. Father Tiso’s main spiritual teacher suggested that he travel to Tibet to gather eye-witness accounts of the dissolution of the body of Kenpo A…

From Religiosity To Spirituality with Father Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

March 9, 2022
Read Time: 2 minutes
Fr. Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox’s spiritual enthusiasm has taken him beyond the dogma of the Catholic Church and for this he’s been censored by the Vatican and ultimately expelled from the order of the Dominicans. However, this has not stilled his voice for a theology that both harkens back to such religious philosophers…

Safe, Stable and Sane Spiritual Practices in Crazy Times with Philip Goldberg

September 16, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Some of us are asking the questions: Are spiritual practices a necessity or merely a luxury in these turbulent times? How do prayer, meditation, mindfulness and other practices help us in crazy times? Here we explore practices that will stabilize and anchor us when the winds of rancor and rage…

Reimagining A Religion That Feeds Your Soul with Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

July 8, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Thomas Moore
Church attendance continues to decline as many of us abandon the religious institutions of our youth. However, in today’s culture the search for the sacred has never been more active. Thomas Moore suggests that nature, art, and accessing the wealth of traditional spiritual wisdom can be of enormous help in…

Finding An Antidote To The Attention Economy with Jenny Odell

November 20, 2019
Read Time: 2 minutes
More and more of us spend enormous spans of our time captured, optimized, or appropriated as a financial resource by the technologies we use daily. We are caught in a dynamic where our value is determined by our productivity. In her book, Jenny Odell points out, “The convenience of limitless connectivity…

Ensuring Your Well-Being with Robert J. Wicks, Ph.D.

May 22, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Brendan Cavanaugh/P3
As a professor and clinical psychologist who works with people in the helping professions–physicians, teachers, psychologists, ministers, rescue workers–who are most in danger of burnout or traumatic stress, Wicks has made many discoveries on how we can live our fleeting days with meaning, peace, compassion, and contentment. He says, “When…

The F-Word: Reconsidering Faith with Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel

May 23, 2018
Read Time: 2 minutes
For some faith is an outdated, even dogmatic idea. Namgyel sees it as “not something you have or don’t have, faith is a way of being in relationship to the world around you.” She refers to it as “faithing”. This dialogue takes a deep dive into the Buddhist principle of mutual causality…

Thomas Merton, A Mystic Lover Of Life with Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

November 30, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
Fr. Matthew Fox
Thomas Merton was an American Catholic writer, mystic, and Trappist monk who died mysteriously in Bangkok, Thailand when he was 53 years old. The gifts he left behind from his short life were immense. He combined deep contemplation with social action. Here Fr. Matthew Fox shares his profound intersection with…

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