The Transformative Path of Divine Love with Will Keepin, Ph.D.

August 9, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Will Keepin
Free Listening, Interviews
Keepin states that the essence of God resides in the heart; this supreme reality is deeply personal. His work as both a scientist and a seeker of spiritual wisdom reveals that we are witnessing the birth of a vast, unified worldview that unites and cross-fertilizes East and West, modern and…

Our Natural State of Open Awareness with Amoda Maa

May 31, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
As a child throughout her 20s and mid-30s, Amoda Maa suffered from chronic depression. She then traveled to India and her life shifted in unexpected ways. She says it was like dropping a rock into a pool. “Something fundamentally changed… My whole relationship to life and to the way of seeing…

Listening To The Light Of Our Soul with Mark Nepo

March 15, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Free Listening, Interviews
Mark Nepo suggests that life is an incredible tapestry that is never finished. It is weaving us, and we are the threads. We are taught to navigate the outer world by problem solving, but for the things that matter, the heart releases its own logic. He says that life constantly…

Ensuring Your Well-Being with Robert J. Wicks, Ph.D.

May 22, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Brendan Cavanaugh/P3
As a professor and clinical psychologist who works with people in the helping professions–physicians, teachers, psychologists, ministers, rescue workers–who are most in danger of burnout or traumatic stress, Wicks has made many discoveries on how we can live our fleeting days with meaning, peace, compassion, and contentment. He says, “When…

The Transformative Path of Divine Love with Will Keepin, Ph.D.

January 11, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
Will Keepin
Keepin states that the essence of God resides in the heart; this supreme reality is deeply personal. His work as both a scientist and a seeker of spiritual wisdom reveals that we are witnessing the birth of a vast, unified worldview that unites and cross-fertilizes East and West, modern and…

Listening To The Light Of Our Soul with Mark Nepo

October 12, 2016
Read Time: 2 minutes
Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo suggests that life is an incredible tapestry that is never finished. It is weaving us, and we are the threads. We are taught to navigate the outer world by problem solving, but for the things that matter, the heart releases its own logic. He says that life constantly…

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