Our one-hour New Dimensions program and our quarter-hour New Dimensions Café program are now available as free podcasts that conform to our regular broadcast schedule.
Wild Animals: Our Natural Allies with Brenda Peterson
May 22, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
As a young child, Peterson’s original playmates were wild animals. She grew up in a Forest Service lookout cabin in a forest preserve on the border of California and Oregon. Her father was a forest ranger, later to become the Chief of the U.S. Forest Service. Peterson is directing us…
Play Is More Than Just Fun with Stuart Brown, M.D.
February 24, 2021
Read Time: 2 minutes
Play is something that’s deeply embedded in our natures. It contributes to mood, to optimism, and to hope for the future. It enables us with the ability to persevere. A world without it would be bleak indeed. Stuart Brown points out, “Play is a fundamental survival drive of humanity without which…
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