A Crisis Of Truth And Meaning, Recovering Soul In Times Of Change with Michael Meade

October 2, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Through the art of storytelling, Meade shares: “The key aspect of soul is its depth. . . It is the descending, the deepening part . . It’s the roots going further down as opposed to up towards the heavens . . .Soul goes towards diversity and multiplicity like the roots…

Accessing a Greater Field of Universal Wisdom with Colleen Mauro

May 25, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Colleen Mauro
Whether you believe intuition is our soul speaking to us, or that it’s coming to us from a greater field of universal wisdom and knowledge, intuition has been proven to assist us in the betterment of our lives and of the human condition. This dialogue explores examples of how intuition…

Poetry: Metaphors for the Soul with Margaret Barkley

January 19, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Poetry is a deep collaboration of language, music, psyche, and soul. A poet reveals to us the beauty, the sorrow, and even the humor of the world. It guides us in being ever curious and observant, helping us to notice even the smallest details of life. A ripening peach or…

Julian of Norwich: A Mystic with a Vaccine for Our Time with Fr. Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

September 29, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Fr. Matthew Fox
The Mystic Julian of Norwich lived in the Middle Ages from 1342 to 1415. For the most part, she lived in a small cell that was attached to a church in Norwich, England. She lived in the time when the black plague decimated one half of the European population but…

Encountering the Mysteries of Descending to Soul with Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.

March 24, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Plotkin says that encounters with spirit is a transcendent experience. However, encounters with soul takes us on a spiritual descent. He reveals how humans are the only species that need instructions as to what our purpose is in the larger Earth community. For example, Salmon need no instructions as to…

Looking for The Deeper and Greater Unities with Michael Meade

January 13, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Meade describes the landscape leading up to the Presidential election of 2020, “We are worn down, worn out. Burned out and exhausted—COVID crisis, political crisis, climate crisis… economic crisis, and equal opportunity and justice for all. We are divided and socially distanced We have to look for underlying unities and that requires, more than…

Reimagining A Religion That Feeds Your Soul with Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

July 8, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Thomas Moore
Church attendance continues to decline as many of us abandon the religious institutions of our youth. However, in today’s culture the search for the sacred has never been more active. Thomas Moore suggests that nature, art, and accessing the wealth of traditional spiritual wisdom can be of enormous help in…

Communicating Across the Veil of Death with Cynthia Spring

December 11, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Cynthia Spring
Is death actually a transition from one kind of life to another? Are our loved ones close at hand even after death? Can we collaborate with loved ones from different sides of the veil of death? Is there a reality to “soul” and “spirit?” This deep dialogue explores these subjects…

Mysterious Sightings In The Sky with Jacques Vallee, Ph.D.

January 30, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Jacques Vallee
During the past century, individuals, newspapers, and military agencies have recorded thousands of UFO incidents, giving rise to much speculation about flying saucers, visitors from other planets, and alien abductions. But the extraterrestrial phenomenon did not begin in the present era. The first case reported turns out to be in…

A Crisis Of Truth And Meaning, Recovering Soul In Times Of Change with Michael Meade

December 26, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Through the art of storytelling, Meade shares: “The key aspect of soul is its depth. . . . It is the descending, the deepening part . . It’s the roots going further down as opposed to up towards the heavens . . .Soul goes towards diversity and multiplicity like the roots…

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