Dismantling Shame for Effective and Sustainable Healing with David Bedrick J.D. Dipl. PW.

December 25, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
David Bedrick
Free Listening, Interviews
Shame hides us both from others and from ourselves. It teaches us not to trust our feelings. Rather than using shame and guilt as a moral compass, Bedrick suggests a more effective strategy to a healthy mental and emotional life is to unhook ourselves from shame. This enables us to…

Dialoging with Our Inner Personalities with Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D.

March 20, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Here we explore what the Internal Family Systems [IFS] model encompasses and how healing our own inner world can create ripples of compassion that extend from ourselves to our communities. These internal parts of the self can debilitate us with paralyzing fear, shame, feelings of not being good enough, and…

The Eternal and Infinite Nature of the Self with Rupert Spira

July 19, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
This teacher of non-dualism sheds light on the essential teachings of what is known as “the direct path.” Almost everybody believes that whatever it is we are seeing is something that is outside ourselves. This leads to a most vexing question for science: How is consciousness derived from the brain?…

Liberating Yourself Into Open-Hearted Awareness with Loch Kelly, M.Div. LCSW

May 4, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Loch Kelly
Loch Kelly uses the metaphor of computer software when talking about an awareness-based way of living and operating. He says, “It’s not a matter of just having these momentary meditation states of freedom and peace of mind. You can actually live from non-conceptual awareness based on an open-hearted sense of being…

Awake-ism: The Heartmind Of Buddhism with Ethan Nichtern

November 10, 2021
Read Time: 2 minutes
Ethan Nichtern
“Awake-ism,” in Buddhist teacher Nichtern’s view, means to be aware, open, and compassionate. He looks at Buddhist thought as a useful psychological, philosophical, and ethical system that anyone can make use of. We can all agree that living an awake life is a good thing. His advice for living in…

The Evolving Masculine Soul with Jed Diamond, Ph.D.

July 28, 2021
Read Time: 2 minutes
Jed Diamond
In today’s culture, men are under extreme stress and too many have become anxious, angry, lonely, and depressed. We all know that men and women are different, but not always in the simplistic ways our society would have us believe. This dialogue explores a deeper understanding of the awakening masculine…

Quantum Wholeness with Sky Nelson-Isaacs

May 12, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Sky Nelson-Isaacs
Sky Nelson-Isaacs has been exploring the scientific fact that our potential to grow is boundless, limited only by our own courage and our own imagination. He writes: “Playing the game is not about figuring things out once and for all. It’s about getting onto a path of maximum growth, maximum satisfaction,…

Opening to Our Inner Radiance with the RAIN Process With Tara Brach, Ph.D.

March 11, 2020
Read Time: 2 minutes
We all have aspirations and intentions for our best lives. Yet these often go by the wayside as we get lost in unconscious, mental, emotional reactivity, fear, and our own personal woundedness. We get caught up in self judgment, blaming others, living on autopilot, as the saying goes. This makes…

Rewiring Our Brains For Effectiveness And Well-being with Linda Graham, MFT

February 13, 2019
Read Time: 2 minutes
Linda Graham
Graham points out that it is possible to train our brains, our bodies, and our hearts to access our intuitive wisdom, not only to get through the tough times but to grow and become more conscious in the process. This training is supported by research scientists who have found that…

Exploring the Sacred Feminine with Lisa Schrader

March 21, 2018
Read Time: 2 minutes
Lisa Schrader
Schrader gives an example of Shakti energy, “Our Shakti is a feminine lifeforce energy that marries with our well-honed masculine skills to create new life, which could be a biological child, or a project, a new business, or painting, or an amazing pot of soup. It’s creative life force energy.”  She goes…

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