The Transformative Power of the Enneagram with Russ Hudson

May 29, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Explore the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram, a profound system that illuminates the nine distinct ways human beings perceive and interact with the world. Join teacher and author Russ Hudson as he guides us through the transformative power of this significant framework, revealing how it can foster self-awareness, empathy, and…

The Eternal and Infinite Nature of the Self with Rupert Spira

July 19, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
This teacher of non-dualism sheds light on the essential teachings of what is known as “the direct path.” Almost everybody believes that whatever it is we are seeing is something that is outside ourselves. This leads to a most vexing question for science: How is consciousness derived from the brain?…

Tap Into Your Inner Knowing Through The Body with John J. Prendergast, Ph.D.

March 30, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
John J. Prendergast
Many spiritual practices guide us in what is known as “waking up.” Even though this process gives us a great sense of freedom and spaciousness, John J. Prendergast suggests that the path to “waking up” is by “waking down.” As we tune into our bodies, we receive messages where our…

Aging: A Tender And Ferocious Time with Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D.

December 16, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Sherry Ruth Anderson
What does the territory of aging look like in a society that worships youth? When a realization flashes into our consciousness that we are aging, we tend to tighten up with fear. Negative images of our parents, grandparents, and friends loom before us. Anderson counsels us to move from that…

The Doorway To Being Present To Life with Richard Moss, M.D.

August 29, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Richard Moss
Moss says that there are two basic mistakes we make in this stage of the evolution of consciousness: We identify with our thoughts and we flee from our feelings. He gives specific instructions how to examine our thoughts to identify stories we tell ourselves, and he makes a distinction between…

The Eternal and Infinite Nature of the Self with Rupert Spira

January 18, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
Rupert Spira
This teacher of non-dualism sheds light on the essential teachings of what is known as “the direct path.” Almost everybody believes that whatever it is we are seeing is something that is outside ourselves. This leads to a most vexing question for science: How is consciousness derived from the brain?…

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