Our one-hour New Dimensions program and our quarter-hour New Dimensions Café program are now available as free podcasts that conform to our regular broadcast schedule.
Developing Our Natural Resilience with Linda Graham
June 23, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Graham assures us that we can rewire neural networks in our brain and build resilience to the point that positive emotions become almost a default reaction. Positive emotions are natural in easy times but more difficult to evoke in hard times. Resilience and positive emotions are inseparable. Linda Graham explains…
Rewiring Our Brains For Effectiveness And Well-being with Linda Graham, MFT
February 13, 2019
Read Time: 2 minutes
Graham points out that it is possible to train our brains, our bodies, and our hearts to access our intuitive wisdom, not only to get through the tough times but to grow and become more conscious in the process. This training is supported by research scientists who have found that…
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