Generative Writing: An Alchemical Process for Self-Healing with Meredith Heller

September 25, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Meredith Heller writes: “Writing has saved my life and woven me back into belonging more times than I can tell you.” She encourages and inspires us to experience the power of writing as a lifeline and companion to personal discovery. She says it’s an alchemical process that takes the raw…

The Redemptive Power Of A Near Death Experience with Rajiv Parti, M.D.

June 21, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
As a young man in India, wanting to escape the rigors of medical school, Rajiv Parti fled to an ashram in the Himalayas. He told the head monk that he wanted to become a monk. The guru laughed and told him he was not ready. Parti was given a spiritual…

The Intersection Of Life And Art with Andrew Harvey

July 27, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey is a whirlwind of inspiration. This deep dialogue plunges into a myriad of topics and musings. He speaks of his “soul brother” the 88-year-old pianist and teacher, Seymour Bernstein, who is a true wisdom elder. He shares his wisdom and experience of why it takes rigorous discipline to…

From Religiosity To Spirituality with Father Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

March 9, 2022
Read Time: 2 minutes
Fr. Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox’s spiritual enthusiasm has taken him beyond the dogma of the Catholic Church and for this he’s been censored by the Vatican and ultimately expelled from the order of the Dominicans. However, this has not stilled his voice for a theology that both harkens back to such religious philosophers…

Enlivening Prayer with Rabbi Paul J. Citrin

July 21, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Paul J. Citrin
Prayer can influence our state of mind which then has an effect on our state of body. It’s a portal that connects us with Divine Source and is an intensely personal journey inward as well as an act of conversation with the Presence of the Infinite or what some call…

Prayer: The Natural Motion Of The Soul with Celeste Yacoboni

March 3, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Celeste Yacoboni
Prayer is our most universal and yet also individual way of communicating with the divine and connecting with the infinite dimensions of our being. We each have our own way of prayer and praise, of speaking to the sacred mystery. Some of us feel a very personal relationship with God…

Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer With Guy Finley

October 21, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Guy Finley
As children we often used prayer to ask for something from an invisible and mysterious divine power. And, even as adults, we may still send our petitions to God or whomever we call on as the source of creative powers. This deep dialogue explores the best use of prayer and…

Finding A God That Is Real with Nancy Ellen Abrams, J.D.

December 28, 2016
Read Time: 2 minutes
In this deep dialogue we look at a new theory of God based on science. Our guest suggests that we need a God that can connect us spiritually to the “real” universe and can guide our now globally conscious species toward a long-term and honorable civilization. Abrams says, “God, as I…

The Redemptive Power Of A Near Death Experience with Rajiv Parti, M.D.

December 21, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
As a young man in India, wanting to escape the rigors of medical school, Rajiv Parti fled to an ashram in the Himalayas. He told the head monk that he wanted to become a monk. The guru laughed and told him he was not ready. Parti was given a spiritual…

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