Forgiveness Is the Path with Ronita Johnson
Ronita Johnson is an African American daughter of a preacher who grew up initially in Louisiana and later in Northern California. Here she tells her story of a severe childhood which left her feeling shame, guilt, bitterness, and a general sense of unworthiness. She shares her journey from a devastating…
Nature As Guide in Perilous Times with Osprey Orielle Lake
Seeing the peril and promise of this moment in time, Osprey tells stories that renew our energy and summon our will to rise up in meaningful ways for the sake of the natural world as well as all civilization. We must infuse our cultural discourse with the language and wisdom…
Humor Saves the Day From Loss with Allen Klein
Everyone has their own unique way of grieving loss. Klein says, “I believe loss is a gift; from every loss we learn. We learn, if nothing else, how precious life is. We need to appreciate what we have right now.” He speaks from the experience of losing his 34 year old wife,…
Living Into Our Greater Potential with Thomas Huebl
Thomas Huebl describes two competencies that can improve the art of living. He says the first competency is silence so we may know ourselves more intimately. “[W]e allow within ourselves, more centeredness, more spacious awareness, and more seeing of our own inner-process: my thinking, my feeling, my body sensations. So…
Principled Design Based On The Laws Of Nature with William McDonough
What is meant by the idea of “Cradle to Cradle?” What is the difference between technonutrients and bionutrients and how can we safely recycle both? How can we turn sewage treatment plants into nutrient management plants? What is happening in China? McDonough says, “Things are designed to either go back to…
Science Set Free with Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.
For the past three decades, British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has been asking questions that most scientists either haven’t thought of asking, or may be discouraged from asking by the unwritten codes that often prevail in our scientific and academic institutions. He thinks there are many other scientists “… who have spiritual interests,…
Embracing (Rather Than Fixing) Our Authentic Selves with David Bedrick, JD, DIPL PW
We are a society of armchair psychologists, who are constantly self-diagnosing. There are scores of books and television programs that suggest ways for us to reprogram and rid ourselves of disturbing feelings and behavior patterns. Bedrick is deepening the dialogue about the role and practice of psychology in today’s society.…
The Sacred Geometry Of Our Cells with Sondra Barrett, Ph.D.
Cells can only thrive in community; they need to connect with one another, and will call on each other as allies. And, when a cell needs a certain molecule, it actually embraces that molecule; it actually reaches out and hugs the molecule. This embrace is a universal principle of design.…