Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk

November 27, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Cathy & Gary Hawk
Free Listening, Interviews
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…

Developing Our “Superpower” Of Connecting With Others with Jonathan Robinson

August 21, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Jonathan Robinson
Free Listening, Interviews
In life we all basically want the same things. We want care, understanding, empathy, and appreciation. One avenue that will take us there is to become master communicators. Most of us have had little to no training in how best to communicate in ways that foster deep trust and intimacy.…

Consciously Reinventing Masculinity with John Gray, Ph.D. and Arjuna Ardagh

March 1, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Free Listening, Interviews
In today’s culture, the stereotypical man is becoming a thing of the past as men consciously evolve into more balanced beings, leading to more fulfilling lasting relationships with their partners and a better expression of themselves. His “feminine side” is just the beginning of what today’s conscious man explores. Gray…

The Art and Practice of Listening Well with Leslie Shore

November 2, 2022
Read Time: 2 minutes
Leslie Shore
Listening is a very different thing from merely hearing. It takes effort, attention, filtering, and practice. It’s a process that requires us to use different parts of our brain, and a process that is very rarely taught in formal education. Although it is so critical to improving our lives, it…

Collaboration: The New Currency For A New Era with Dawna Markova, Ph.D. and Angie McArthur

March 23, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Dawna Markova 2015
Never have we needed collaboration more than at this time in our cultural evolution. Research has shown that collaboration increases our intelligence, and in these threshold times we need to be functioning on the highest creative level we can possibly reach. Dawna Markova and Angie McArthur share with us the…

Healing And Repairing Relationship, An Ongoing Process with Susan Campbell, Ph.D.

September 2, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Susan Campbell
Dr. Campbell offers practical advice for repairing our love relationships while also healing our inner wounds. We learn methods for turning common relationship conflicts into opportunities to foster love, trust, and intimacy. She suggests making an agreement with your partner to take a “time-out” when you sense a trigger, using…

Living Into Our Greater Potential with Thomas Huebl

May 8, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Thomas Huebl
Thomas Huebl describes two competencies that can improve the art of living. He says the first competency is silence so we may know ourselves more intimately. “[W]e allow within ourselves, more centeredness, more spacious awareness, and more seeing of our own inner-process: my thinking, my feeling, my body sensations. So…

Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk

December 19, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Cathy & Gary Hawk
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…

Developing Our “Superpower” Of Connecting With Others with Jonathan Robinson

November 21, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Jonathan Robinson
In life we all basically want the same things. We want care, understanding, empathy, and appreciation. One avenue that will take us there is to become master communicators. Most of us have had little to no training in how best to communicate in ways that foster deep trust and intimacy.…

Consciously Reinventing Masculinity with John Gray, Ph.D. and Arjuna Ardagh

September 28, 2016
Read Time: 2 minutes
John Gray
In today’s culture, the stereotypical man is becoming a thing of the past as men consciously evolve into more balanced beings, leading to more fulfilling lasting relationships with their partners and a better expression of themselves. His “feminine side” is just the beginning of what today’s conscious man explores. Gray…

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