Reclaiming Wonder and Hope with Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.

August 16, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Hank Wesselman
Free Listening, Interviews
Wesselman encourages us to move beyond “hand-me-down” beliefs and religions. Instead he invites us to co-create with spirit and follow a path of direct experience of the sacred. Our collective plunge down the steep slope of progress has come at the cost of a deep, intuitive connection with nature and…

Become a Pilgrim and Explore Inner and Outer Wilderness with Brooke Williams

April 13, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Committed advocate of the preservation of wilderness and an explorer of both the outer and inner wilderness, Brooke Williams is constantly looking to understand and experience the value of wild places and what that means for modern humans. Born as a white male of privilege he asks the question, “How best…

Julian of Norwich: A Mystic with a Vaccine for Our Time with Fr. Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

September 29, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Fr. Matthew Fox
The Mystic Julian of Norwich lived in the Middle Ages from 1342 to 1415. For the most part, she lived in a small cell that was attached to a church in Norwich, England. She lived in the time when the black plague decimated one half of the European population but…

The Essence of Erosion and Evolution with Terry Tempest Williams

February 26, 2020
Read Time: 2 minutes
Williams asks the central question for our world today, “How do we find the strength to not look away from all that is breaking our hearts?” She looks at the elements of erosion and evolution with regards to all that is shaping the physical landscape of our nation due to climate change…

An Awakened, Undefended, And Intelligent Heart with Terry Patten

July 25, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Despite our present polarization and alienation from one another, there are some underlying shifts taking place in the world that should force us to come together in mutual support and creativity. Terry Patten is our escort and guide to how we may become evolutionary activists in this era of exploding…

Moving From Despair To Hope In Threshold Times: Part 2 with Paul Rogat Loeb

April 4, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Paul Rogat Loeb
Sometimes our activity for positive change in the world makes a visible leap and other times the impact of our work takes a seemingly long time to show any results. As Loeb points out, “You draw hope from the knowledge that whatever it is that you do, something unexpected is going…

Reclaiming Wonder and Hope with Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.

January 25, 2017
Read Time: 2 minutes
Hank Wesselman
Wesselman encourages us to move beyond “hand-me-down” beliefs and religions. Instead he invites us to co-create with spirit and follow a path of direct experience of the sacred. Our collective plunge down the steep slope of progress has come at the cost of a deep, intuitive connection with nature and…

The Need For An Evolutionary Movement In Politics with Stephen Dinan

July 13, 2016
Read Time: 1 minute
Stephen Dinan
Stephen Dinan encourages us to ground ourselves in the deeper values that unite us such as liberty, equality, and justice for all - which are bedrock principles of the United States.

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