Our one-hour New Dimensions program and our quarter-hour New Dimensions Café program are now available as free podcasts that conform to our regular broadcast schedule.
The Heart-Centered Empowerment of Sitting in Circles with Lauren J. Oliver, Ph.D.
November 15, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Could you benefit from meeting on a regular basis with a small group of individuals to learn and grow together? Circles of friends and co-workers are meeting faithfully in living rooms, office cafeterias, and other venues. One might ask the question: “What makes these circles so fruitful in the lives of…
Tap Into Your Inner Knowing Through The Body with John J. Prendergast, Ph.D.
March 30, 2022
Read Time: 1 minute
Many spiritual practices guide us in what is known as “waking up.” Even though this process gives us a great sense of freedom and spaciousness, John J. Prendergast suggests that the path to “waking up” is by “waking down.” As we tune into our bodies, we receive messages where our…
Four Keys For Thriving In Chaotic Times with Justine Willis Toms, DHL
May 5, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Consciousness is changing for the better. Along with this leap in consciousness there is some amount of chaos. Toms presents four keys to finding and maintaining our true compass, our true direction in the midst of this great turning. She compares this time to that of a caterpillar inside the…
Aging: A Tender And Ferocious Time with Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D.
December 16, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
What does the territory of aging look like in a society that worships youth? When a realization flashes into our consciousness that we are aging, we tend to tighten up with fear. Negative images of our parents, grandparents, and friends loom before us. Anderson counsels us to move from that…
Ronita Johnson is an African American daughter of a preacher who grew up initially in Louisiana and later in Northern California. Here she tells her story of a severe childhood which left her feeling shame, guilt, bitterness, and a general sense of unworthiness. She shares her journey from a devastating…
Calling On The Spirit Of Artemis with Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
January 1, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
The Greeks have given us a wealth of folklore and myths that are full of meaning for our lives. Among them are stories of the Goddess Artemis and her human counterpart, Atalanta. Their myths are rich with complexity, just like life itself. They give us clues as to how to…
Our dreams are speaking to us and we must welcome and hold them like a baby. “You have to hold it, remember your dream. You might write it down. You might hold it in your heart or just hold the difficult parts with love. You don’t have to do anything.…
The Care and Feeding of Intentional Communities with Diana Leafe Christian
April 26, 2017
Read Time: 2 minutes
For many decades Diana Leafe Christian has worked with intentional communities and has come to understand some of the most effective ways to sustain them. One of the governance systems she is familiar with is called sociocracy. This structure is used by peers and colleagues, and involves feedback loops and…
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