Our one-hour New Dimensions program and our quarter-hour New Dimensions Café program are now available as free podcasts that conform to our regular broadcast schedule.
Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk
December 11, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…
Creativity is a journey with lots of ups and downs, twists and turns. To be creative, one cannot watch from the sidelines. Cathy Wild suggests that there is no set formula for the creative process; there are no steps 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C that guarantee a successful…
Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer With Guy Finley
October 21, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
As children we often used prayer to ask for something from an invisible and mysterious divine power. And, even as adults, we may still send our petitions to God or whomever we call on as the source of creative powers. This deep dialogue explores the best use of prayer and…
Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk
December 19, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…
Creativity is a journey with lots of ups and downs, twists and turns. To be creative, one cannot watch from the sidelines. Cathy Wild suggests that there is no set formula for the creative process; there are no steps 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C that guarantee a successful…
Living In Meaningful Coincidence: Reflections Of A Physicist with F. David Peat, Ph.D.
March 22, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
Physicist F. David Peat is one of the most interesting and innovative thinkers of our time. In this reflective look at the synchronicities of his life, Peat reminisces about his friendship with colleagues like fellow physicist David Bohm, brain researcher Roger Penrose, sculptor Anish Kapoor and high school physics teacher…
What is the cosmos made of at its most fundamental level? Where does consciousness exist in the physical world? How does it fit into our understanding of evolution? What can you and I do to ensure the evolution of our species continues beyond the next generation? Ervin Laszlo has a…
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