Our one-hour New Dimensions program and our quarter-hour New Dimensions Café program are now available as free podcasts that conform to our regular broadcast schedule.
A New Scientific Paradigm Where Consciousness Is Fundamental And Matter Is Derived From It with Mark Gober
February 27, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Scientific materialism is the reigning paradigm of scientific inquiry. It is the notion that physical matter is fundamental in the universe. Materialism assumes that matter produces consciousness and holds that the brain produces consciousness. Therefore, when your brain dies, your consciousness dies. Gober has compiled extensive research that turns scientific…
Spontaneous Remission For A Terminally Ill Planet with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. & Steve Bhaerman
March 7, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Every day, it appears, the news about climate change is worse, as is the precarious balance of global politics. We seem bent on destruction, and it’s often difficult to see how we can possibly turn things around before it’s too late. But as bad as things are, Bruce Lipton and…
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