Balancing Our Chakra System For Emotional And Spiritual Healing with Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

November 5, 2024
Read Time: 1 minute
Anodea Judith
Free Listening, Interviews
Free Listening Through November 19: Keep listening while you browse! Click on the Pop out player button, above on the right. Energy is at the core of everything. It’s the currency of existence. Anodea Judith substitutes the word “charge” for energy. It’s easy to relate to the idea of being…

The Eternal and Infinite Nature of the Self with Rupert Spira

August 2, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Free Listening, Interviews
This teacher of non-dualism sheds light on the essential teachings of what is known as “the direct path.” Almost everybody believes that whatever it is we are seeing is something that is outside ourselves. This leads to a most vexing question for science: How is consciousness derived from the brain?…

Matter And Consciousness: Shifting The Metaparadigm with Peter Russell, D.C.S.

June 16, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Peter Russell
Russell explains the difference between a paradigm and a metaparadigm and why consciousness cannot be explained within our current systems. He asserts that science is able to measure phenomena such as energy, time, and space, yet has not found a way to prove or measure consciousness. “These are all concepts in the…

Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer With Guy Finley

October 21, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Guy Finley
As children we often used prayer to ask for something from an invisible and mysterious divine power. And, even as adults, we may still send our petitions to God or whomever we call on as the source of creative powers. This deep dialogue explores the best use of prayer and…

Connecting With Natural Time with Lama Surya Das

May 1, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Surya Das
  Is time speeding up? It seems so as we fill our lives with so many “labor saving” devices. The 21st century mantra could very well be: There isn’t enough time. Lama Surya Das warns us, “The lesson here is not how we can get up earlier or stay up…

Poetry: The Unfolding Of What Is Hidden with Jane Hirshfield

January 16, 2019
Read Time: 1 minute
Jane Hirshfield
Jane Hirshfield points out that many people turn to poetry in times of great life transitions. She says, “You know when people fall in love, or when they lose love, or lose someone they loved, that is when they want a poem. When they get married, they want a poem. These great…

Balancing Our Chakra System For Emotional And Spiritual Healing with Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

October 17, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Anodea Judith
Energy is at the core of everything. It’s the currency of existence. Anodea Judith substitutes the word “charge” for energy. It’s easy to relate to the idea of being charged up about something or having a charge about an issue. This charge relates to our life-force energy and can be…

The Doorway To Being Present To Life with Richard Moss, M.D.

August 29, 2018
Read Time: 1 minute
Richard Moss
Moss says that there are two basic mistakes we make in this stage of the evolution of consciousness: We identify with our thoughts and we flee from our feelings. He gives specific instructions how to examine our thoughts to identify stories we tell ourselves, and he makes a distinction between…

The Eternal and Infinite Nature of the Self with Rupert Spira

January 18, 2017
Read Time: 1 minute
Rupert Spira
This teacher of non-dualism sheds light on the essential teachings of what is known as “the direct path.” Almost everybody believes that whatever it is we are seeing is something that is outside ourselves. This leads to a most vexing question for science: How is consciousness derived from the brain?…

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