Living With Less Fear with Dean Sluyter
Free Listening, Interviews
As life unfolds, we all experience many successes as well as challenges. Sluyter warns us that “we get distracted by the good and the bad shiny objects. We get caught up in stuff and then we come to define our lives in terms of how things work out.” He reminds…
Wise Guidance for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People with Judith Orloff, M.D.
Free Listening, Interviews
What is the difference between having empathy and being an empath? This deep dialogue explores the blessings and challenges of being an empath. Highly sensitive people have much to be grateful for. They are able to experience exquisite passion and joy. They can perceive the big picture on a deep…
Our Multiplicity of Selves with James Fadiman, Ph.D. and Jordan Gruber, J.D.
What is the dynamic nature of personality? Do each of us consist of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable selves? Are we an unruly republic of independent entities, a multiplicity of selves? In this dialogue we explore how we discover, honor, and work with each of these selves. Fadiman and…
Two Faces of Fear: Constructive/Destructive with Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D.
We’re all familiar with the aspect of fear that strangles us, holds us back, and keeps us living lives filled with stress, unhappiness, and emptiness. This kind of fear creates chronic anxiety, depression, and disconnection. However, Manly shares a hidden aspect of this same fear that affords us the opportunity…
Rebooting Our Innate Brilliance with Arjuna Ardagh
Ardagh describes enlightenment as an on-going process rather than as an arrival at some fixed point. He shares the life path that has taken him through many self-improvement processes and many spiritual paths while searching for enlightened transcendence, including being a successful entrepreneur. It was as he was recovering from…
Living With Less Fear with Dean Sluyter
As life unfolds, we all experience many successes as well as challenges. Sluyter warns us that “we get distracted by the good and the bad shiny objects. We get caught up in stuff and then we come to define our lives in terms of how things work out.” He reminds us of…
The Redemption Of The Soul Of A Writer with Alan Kaufman
Psychologists say that in a family of Holocaust survivors, there is one child who is the designated “Memorial Candle,” the one to whom the survivor imparts the experience of the Holocaust. Alan Kaufman believes he was nominated to be the one to receive his mother’s suffering, anguish, and disappointments. He…
Feel First/Think Later: Finding Your Way To Emotional Freedom with Raphael Cushnir
Are there places in your life where you feel blocked? Is your career or your relationship not what you thought it would be? Are you still struggling with an addiction to smoking or food? Raphael Cushnir believes that whenever we struggle, or whenever we feel unable to accomplish the things…
Wise Guidance for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People with Judith Orloff, M.D.
What is the difference between having empathy and being an empath? This deep dialogue explores the blessings and challenges of being an empath. Highly sensitive people have much to be grateful for. They are able to experience exquisite passion and joy. They can perceive the big picture on a deep…