Our one-hour New Dimensions program and our quarter-hour New Dimensions Café program are now available as free podcasts that conform to our regular broadcast schedule.
These books were authored by New Dimensions Radio co-founders, Michael Toms and Justine Willis Toms. Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World by Justine Toms Published: September 3, 2008 ISBN-10: 1571745866 ISBN-13: 978-1571745866 Buy on Amazon This collection of forty-nine short meditative essays helps readers to turn aside from their…
Post a Rating and Review Your Favorite Programs Free Listening Pages When you go to our Free Listening programs now you’ll see something new — a graphic showing where to go to post your opinion about the program after listening. Product Pages On every Product page where you see the…
Listen to New Dimensions Internet Radio From any New Dimensions web page, click on Find Programs, at the top. Then, on the left, choose LISTEN ON INTERNET RADIO.
Hear Café Programs on YouTube You can now hear some of our free New Dimensions Café short-form radio series on YouTube! Café programs are quarter-hour interview gems that give you a taste of the type of dialogue you might hear from our guests in their longer one-hour programs. Help us Promote…
You Are a Powerful Partner I want to thank you in advance for being such a powerful partner and supporter of the New Dimensions broadcasts. Your most generous contributions are a MAJOR help in New Dimensions overall financial health. I’m asking you to consider a substantial donation at this time.…
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