November Broadcast Schedule
Archived Broadcast Schedules, What's New
The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available…
Written history often distorts truth and does not have the ability to reveal fully the underlying core values and potential of human culture as do myths. It is said that myth is encoded into our DNA and human intelligence. What’s more, it cannot be denied that humankind is in the…
You provide our major funding. New Dimensions is listener supported. Become a member or renew your membership. We need the voices of sanity you hear on New Dimensions. You know the value of truthful & inspiring dialogues. Your membership support keeps it shining. Give as generously as you…
November Broadcast Schedule
Archived Broadcast Schedules, What's New
The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available…
Spotlight: Our Animal Companions
Humans experience a profound spiritual connection with their animal companions. These special beings not only have healing powers; they often teach us how to be wise. These four programs, especially selected from the New Dimensions program archive, are filled with insights and stories to enhance the connection with our animal friends.…
I’m reminded of a story about a battle that goes on inside each of us. A Cherokee grandfather told his grandson “My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false…
Note to Our Most Special Listeners
This is a special thank you to you who have supported New Dimensions over the years. When your donation comes in, I see your names and feel that I know you. I wish you could see my smile when I open a donation, as I see, once more, you’ve shown…
Music Playlist for New Dimensions Programs
Airing November 2 – 8, 2022 The Art And Practice Of Listening Well with Leslie Shore Program 3578 From Album: Intervention Artist: Helen Jane Long 2012 BLlE Music Records #9790900213570 Opening Essay: Track 01 Intervention Music Break 1: Track 02 Free Music Break 2: Track 06 Fountain Music Break 3: Track…
Coming in November
Archived Broadcast Schedules, What's New
The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available…