Spotlight: Timeless Wisdom From Our Elders

February 12, 2025
Read Time: 2 minutes
Spotlights, What's New
  The New Dimensions program archives are filled with wisdom from many of the pioneers who have inspired us with their vision of moving towards a more just, sustainable, equitable future. These older dialogues are golden and the wisdom they provide is relevant to us today. They are the change…

Will you be our angel?

February 12, 2025
Read Time: 2 minutes
Support, What's New
I know there are angels who can help us continue to deliver life-affirming, socially and spiritually relevant information, practical knowledge, and perennial wisdom through the broadcasting of deep dialogues with trusted evolutionary change-makers in diverse fields of understanding. Here is a brief rundown of what excites me at the moment…

Books by Michael Toms and Justine Willis Toms

November 6, 2024
Read Time: 2 minutes
What's New
Books by Michael Toms and Justine Willis Toms These books were authored by New Dimensions Radio co-founders, Michael Toms and Justine Willis Toms. Justine Willis Toms has been exploring personal, social, and spiritual transformation through her work as an electronic journalist, editor, and writer.  She is the Co-founder, Managing Producer, and Host…


August 21, 2024
Read Time: 2 minutes
Spotlights, What's New
Throughout history there have been many tales of the sacred goddess. These include the Virgin Mary and Sekhmet among many others. Beginning in Neolithic times, we move forward to the divine ferocity of the Divine Mother as represented by Mary, the mother of Jesus. Leonard Slain suggests the introduction of…

Spotlight: Practicing Resilience When Life Goes Topsy Turvy

May 8, 2024
Read Time: 2 minutes
dandelion hope determination
Spotlights, What's New
The practice of resilience is vital to being able to adapt to life’s stresses and adversities. Our ability to bounce back can be learned and developed. You will find that the stories and wisdom of these New Dimensions guests are filled with inspiration and practical illustrations from their own lives.…

Critical Need for Generous Financial Assistance

December 27, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
Support, What's New
The nurturing generosity of our community financial donors has been the lifeblood of New Dimensions and has made it possible for us to broadcast life-affirming programming continually for 50 years. With the cost-of-living crisis, and all the many requests for donations for various excellent causes, we are acutely aware of…


December 20, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Spotlights, What's New
These four wisdom elders encourage us to do the necessary work to become true “adults.” Our lives are enhanced when we gather with spiritual friends and find the strength and courage to stay active in the face of these turbulent times. Imagination shared creates collaboration, collaboration builds community, and in…

Spotlight: Jumping Off A Cliff And Learning To Fly

November 22, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Spotlights, What's New
In preparing for a recent interview I came across this poem by Patrick Overton. Faith When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen: There will…

Does Your Station Broadcast New Dimensions?

September 6, 2023
Read Time: 1 minute
New Dimensions Stations
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New Dimensions is the longest running, most successful independently produced radio interview program on public radio! If your local station does not broadcast New Dimensions: ► Please contact them and ask them to add New Dimensions to their program schedule. Your voice makes a difference to your local station! If they…

Spotlight: Mushrooms: Earth’s Magical Nourishment

April 5, 2023
Read Time: 2 minutes
Spotlights, What's New
Mushrooms have healing powers for the Earth and for our body, mind, and spirit. They can turn our most toxic pollutants into food. Mushrooms also have a therapeutic application of expanded states of consciousness that lead to personal healing and transformation. They eat rock, make soil, digest pollutants, both nourish…

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