The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.
What drags us under when we experience set-backs, failures, criticism while working for a cause, person, or place? Wheatley advises us to work with as much diligence as we can. She says that in the end it is about feeling that it is our work to do and doing it with vigor and enjoyment even though we don’t know what the outcome will be.
As a creativity coach, Dr. Maisel helps us to avoid getting stuck. He has learned to distinguish between every day creativity and the creative identity. When one self-identifies with an art form, it involves a new level of responsibility and commitment. He reminds us that great work takes more than mere interest, it takes love.
If we are to grasp Willis Barnstone’s greatest contribution to culture over the course of his 87 years, we can focus on his role first and foremost as a poet – a lover of words, both his own and those of others, and on what he believes are sacred words from our earliest written records down to present day mystics and poets.
It’s possible to rewire our neural networks and build resilience so that positive emotions become a default reaction. Graham explains how habits such as mindfulness, self-compassion, and body awareness can help us learn to naturally respond with grace and skill when we are under pressure. She offers practicable suggestions to consciously develop our natural resilience.