December Broadcast Schedule

The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date.  Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening.  All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.

Kenneth Pelletier
Airing December 4 - 10, 2024

You Are Not Your Genetics

with Kenneth Pelletier, M.D.

Program Number: 3663

What we eat, drink, breathe, our stress levels, our use of pharmaceuticals, our interaction with the immediate physical and social environment are all essential factors in genetic expression. Here Pelletier describes epigenesis as the new science that focuses on the changes we make in our lifestyle that can make a difference in the expression of our genes.

Michael Gelb
Airing December 11 - 17, 2024

Walking for Health, Creativity, and Spiritual Well-Being

with Michael Gelb

Program Number: 3826

This dialogue highlights the benefits and dynamics of walking well, including comfort, vitality, and inspiration. He highlights the benefits of walking for creativity and problem-solving as well as connecting us with nature. In business, walking with others can enhance teambuilding. Gelb encourages us to feel a sense of sacredness with every step.

Airing December 18 - 24, 2024

Discovering The Sacred In Everyday Life

with Mirabai Starr

Program Number: 3828

In this conversation, Mirabai Starr, acclaimed author and translator of mystical texts, shares how ordinary moments invite us to explore how the sacred can be woven into daily life. She reveals how we can transform the mundane into moments of deep spiritual connection.

David Bedrick
Airing December 25 -December 31, 2024

Dismantling Shame for Effective and Sustainable Healing

with David Bedrick J.D. Dipl. PW.

Program Number: 3827

Shame hides us both from others and from ourselves. It teaches us not to trust our feelings. Rather than using shame and guilt as a moral compass, Bedrick suggests a more effective strategy to a healthy mental and emotional life is to unhook ourselves from shame.


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